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yang mw beli 1 yottabyets siapin badget 2 Milliar Dollar dulu yach ........
8 komentar:
wah mahal ya.. tapi ada harga pasti kualitasnya juga ada..
hhaha ane aja yang punga 4 giga bingung mau diisi apaan
wah......bingung ya mw bli yg mn????
pzt walupun mahal v kualitas jempolan hhe...
sm 4gb z dh ckup kae na ....
ia mendngan beli yg 1 yota z
Awesome article, however just curious, that which is your main field of expertise? on earth do you write part time, or are you an experienced in your area? I wouldn’t thoughts reading an with regards to Us section or maybe something to describe what you need to do so I can certainly better understand your mindset.
n4u30W Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!...
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